People complain about how little a dollar is any more. They say that a dollar doesn't have the buying
power it used to. What can one dollar do for you? If that dollar stays in your hands, it can buy a coke, a bag of chips, or
something at the dollar store.
However, if you put the same dollar in our hands it can:
Feed a family living in the village slums of India or the Africa
Or, give an indigenous child living in the Nigeria, West Africa a
Christmas present.
Or, print 4 studies that we can give to overseas pastors.
Or, copy a tape of a teaching, which will minister to a pastor.
Or, buy a 25 bricks toward the construction of Churches or our ministry
center in
Or, help to buy Bibles in native languages.
Or, help us toward airfare to these overseas mission locations.
Or, help to keep our web site online, which is a information tool connecting
us to the
Or, provide materials for Vacation Bible School for Africa, India, Pilippines
or one of our
other mission projects in the world.
ONE DOLLAR can minister the Word of God
to all those people, in all those
places, all those times.
ONE DOLLAR can store up treasures for you in
heaven, while it's doing all those
other things! That's what one dollar can do!
Many people never give to missions, because they think they can't give enough.
Well, we've just shown you what one dollar can do.
Why not give that one dollar, and let God multiply it and use it? Has
this web site been a blessing to you? If so, would you be willing to commit to God to partnership with this ministry for $1.00
per month?
Would you be willing to make that investment in the Kingdom of God? Would you be willing to help
us be a blessing to others?
We are in need of...
100 people to give - $1
a month
100 people to give - $5
a month
100 people to give - $10 a month
100 people to give - $15 a month
It is not the amount of the gift it is the faithfulness. Enough of God's people, giving faithfully,
would meet every need of the ministry.