Certificate in Theology
Certificate in Children Evangelism
Certificate in Christian Ministry
in Chaplaincy Education and Counselling
Certificate in Deliverance Ministry
Diploma in Theology
Diploma in Christian Education
Diploma in Chaplaincy Education
and Counselling
Diploma in Christian Ministry
Diploma in Deliverance Ministry
Diploma in Children Evangelism
in Evangelism
Associate of Arts in Theology
Associate of Arts in Christian Ministry
of Arts in Christian Education
Post Graduate Diploma in Chaplaincy Education
and Counselling
Post Graduate Diploma in Theology
Post Graduate Diploma in Christian Ministry
Bachelor of Arts in Theology
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Education
Bachelor of Arts in Missions and
Bachelor of Divinity
Bachelor of Arts Christian Counselling
Bachelor of Arts in Biblical Studies
of Arts in Pastoral Theology
Bachelor of Arts in Christian Administration
Master of Arts
in Theology
Master of Arts in Pastoral Theology
Master of Arts in Christian Education
Master of Divinity
of Arts in Pastoral Ministry
Master of Arts in Missions and Evangelism
Master of Arts in Christian Counselling
of Arts in Church Administration
Doctor of Theology
Doctor of Divinity
Doctor of Pastoral Theology
Doctor of Religious
Doctor of Philosophy in Christian Education
Doctor of Missions and Evangelism
Doctor of Church
Administration & Managment
Doctor of Christian Counselling
Doctor of Christian Ministry & Church Growth
of Ministry
(Doctorate Research Fellow)
Doctor of Science in Christian Education DSc C.Ed.
of Science in Christian Counselling DSc. (Christian
Doctor of Science in Pastoral Counselling DSc.
Doctor of Science in Theology DSc. Th.
Theology Christian
Education Religion Missions Management Philosophy Mass Communication Linguistic Law Divinity
Courses to be offered are grouped into ten major departments
as follows:
1. Theology: The department of Theology comprises of classics, Biblical Theology,
Systematic theology, Pastoral Ministry, Church Discipleship, etc. Students study non-graduate diploma, undergraduate and postgraduate
degrees in disciplines within the department, often combining courses from the departments of Christian Education, Religion,
Missions, Management, Philosophy, Mass Communication, Linguistics, and Law.
(i) Biblical Theology:
Biblical Theology consists of the following courses; Introduction to Biblical Theology, Old Testament Survey, New Testament
Survey, Bibliology, Four Gospels, Synoptic Gospels, Pauline Epistles, Historical Books, Pentateuch, Biblical Exegesis, Book
of Acts, Hebrews and Catholic Epistles, Johnine Writings, Apocalyptic Literatures, The Prophets, Biblical Geography, History
of Israel etc.
(ii) Systematic Theology: This consists of the following courses;
Introduction to Systematic Theology, Theology Proper, Legal Theology, Political Theology, Anthropology, Hematology, Soteriology,
Ecclesiology, Pneumatology, Christology, Typology, Eschatology, Angelology, Demonology, History of Dogmas, Apologetics etc.
(iii) Pastoral Ministry: This consists of the following courses;
Pastoral Theology, Hermeneutics, Homiletics, Early Church History, Medieval Church History, Reformation History, Ministerial
Ethics, Church Management, Administration and Organization, Business Communication, Church Government, Christian Leadership,
Principles of Church Economics, Church Accounting, Pastoral Counseling, Music, Marriage and Family, Manners and Customs of
the Bible Land etc.
(iv) Church Discipleship: This offers admission in only certificate
level and consists of the following courses; Salvation, Stewardship, The Word of God, Intimacy with God, Biblical Discipleship,
Sin, Forgiveness, Sanctification, Baptism in the Holy Spirit, Fruit of the Holy Spirit, Gift of the Holy Spirit, Will of God,
The Great Commission, Ministry of Jesus, Power/Authority and Anointing, Gospel of the Kingdom, Faith, God the Father, God
the Son, Holy Spirit, Man, Satan, Angels, The Church, End Times, Christ’s Kingdom, Purpose of Church Discipleship,
Purpose of the Church Ministry, Principles of Biblical Interpretation, Preaching, Teaching, Chronological Teaching, Signs
and Wonders, Lay Pastor Training, Spiritual Warfare, The Office of the Church etc.
2. Christian
Education: This department offers courses at undergraduate and postgraduate levels and covers the whole range of the
following courses; Introduction to Christian Education, Teaching Methodology, Principles of Teaching, Study Skills, Psychology
of Education, Philosophy of Education, Communication, Health Education, Physical Education, Ministerial Counseling, Marriage
and Family etc
3. Religion: This department runs various courses in diploma, undergraduate
and graduate levels of study. Members offer their services and expertise to various religious bodies as resource persons.
The department consists of the following courses; Introduction to World Religions, Cults, Christian Religion, Islamic Religion,
Hinduism, Buddhism, African Traditional Religion, Cultural Anthropology, African Church History etc.
Missions: The department offers courses at the post-graduate and undergraduate levels in many sections of the department
such as; Introduction to Missions, History of Mission, Missiology, Theology of Mission, Contemporary Missions, Personal
and Mass Evangelism, Cross Cultural Communication, World Christian Movements, Cultural Anthropology, church Planting and
Growth, Christianity in West Africa, Manners and Customs, etc.
5. Management: The department
offers admission at a degree level, and it covers the following courses; Introduction to Management, Principles
of Administration, Church Management, Organization, Government, Economics and Statistic, Leadership, Home Economics,
Accounting, Human Management etc.
6. Philosophy: This department offers admission at a
degree level, it consists of the following courses; Introduction to Philosophy, Axiology, Metaphysics, Psychology,
Sociology, Logic, Ethics, Etymology, Human Dynamics, World Civilization, Mathematics, Physics etc.
Mass Communication: This offers admission at diploma level and it consists of the following courses; Computer,
Creative Writing, Project Writing, Use of English, English composition, Journalism, Communication, Human Dynamics and
Public Relations, Recording and Filming etc
8. Linguistics: This departments offers admission
at degree level and the courses include the following; English Language, Oral English, Composition, Long Essay, Greek
Language, Hebrew Language, Spanish,French Language, Latin Language, German Language etc.
Law: The department also offers admission at diploma level, which includes the following courses; Criminal Law,
Business Law, Law of Tort, Logic, Psychology, Ethics, Government, Constitutional Law, Law of Contract, History, Geography,
Christian Religious Knowledge, Literature, Basic English, Use of Spanish,English Language, Fundamental Human Rights
General Studies: This includes the following courses; Introduction to Philosophy,
Psychology, Logic, Ethics, Human Dynamics and Public Relations, Sociology, How to Read and Write, Basic English, Use of English,
Research Methodology, Introduction to Computer, Creative Writing, Spanish,etc.