Educating Men and Women of Integrity
Code of Conduct
As representatives of the Lord, all members of the seminary family are
expected to adhere to a Biblical "Code of Conduct." Students, as faculty, staff, and administration, are required to
sign the institution's "Code of Conduct" showing his or her personal intent to strive to live in accordance with the Word
of God. The actual "Code of Conduct" for students read as follows:
“As a disciple of Jesus, I accept the Bible as the infallible, inerrant, and authoritative Special Revelation
of the God of Israel as inspired through the Jewish people, and accept its teachings as the final authority in all matters
of faith and conduct. As a student, I promise to uphold the moral and spiritual ideology of the Seminary, depict admiration
and respect to peers and persons over me in authority. Furthermore, I will conform to AIUC’S social, academic, and spiritual
standards, and acknowledge my duty to live a credible Christian subsistence compliant with the admonition of God’s Word.”