People Like You…Make People Like Me…Go!
Our partners are an integral part of the ministry and are helping us accomplish the following:
- Cast a great net into the sea of hurting humanity several times each week through our net ministry.
- Enable Dr. Prince Nnams to travel consistently and extensively to minister life into hundreds
of churches, both large and small.
- Publish powerful books, CDs, and DVDs that are changing lives around the world.
- Host many seminars and conventions in various major cities.
As the Lord supernaturally adds partners to help us, we are able to reach out farther and closer—farther
into the world, but with a closer personal touch to the lives of ministers and believers who benefit from the anointing on
this ministry.
“So two good things happen as a result of your gifts—those in heed are helped, and they
overflow with thanks to God.
Those you help will be glad not only because of your generous gifts to themselves and others, but they
will praise God for this proof that your deeds are as good as your doctrine.
And they will pray for you with deep fervor and feeling because of the wonderful grace of God shown
through you” (2 Cor. 9:12–14, TLB).
The vision of our partners program is ministers and believers from around the world joining forces
with Dr. Prince Nnams Ministries in faith and agreement to form a worldwide network to climax the ages—a network that
will maintain a powerful, dynamic flow of ministry in support of church leaders and believers as they preach the gospel to
the last generations.
General Benefits
Everyone who actively participates in supporting this ministry with their prayers and finances will
receive credit and rewards for whatever this ministry accomplishes. The most important benefit of all is that of the spiritual
realm. The spiritual significance is always the most important aspect of anything we do. Therefore, we believe the most important
benefits offered to you as a partner are those that come from God (2 Cor. 9:7–15).
You will also gain the personal satisfaction of being part of a strong ministry team and have the confidence
of sowing into a ministry of integrity, knowing that your support is accomplishing the work of the gospel.